Officer Positions
Officer Positions are full year commitments and are apart of the PTA Executive Board. All Officers hold voting positions and are required to attend all PTA Executive Board Meetings (held monthly; time TBD according to everyone's availability) and General Meetings (3-5 per year).
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the Purposes may be promoted;
Preside at all meetings of the association
Represent the Local PTA as a delegate to Council PTA (when the Local PTA is in membership with Council PTA)
Appoint the audit committee subject to the approval of the executive board; and
Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating and audit committees.
be authorized to sign on bank accounts and access accounts electronically, unless prohibited by terms of employment;
serve as an ex-officio member on all committees except nominating and financial reconciliation committees;
no more than 30-days after the election meeting, call a meeting of the newly elected officers to:
appoint a parliamentarian and all standing committee chairs; subject to the approval of the newly-elected officers;
conduct any other business as shall become necessary;
after this, all meetings shall be of the entire executive board as defined by the Executive Board article; and,
automatically become president at the end of the term.
VP- Operations
be responsible for aide-to-the-president; operations; and
preside in the absence of the president
Will be in charge of and responsible for Membership overall.
Will be in charge of and responsible for Fundraising overall.
Will record the minutes of all meetings of the association; keep an accurate record of attendance at executive board meetings;
be responsible for correspondence;
maintain a membership list.
Will have custody of all the funds of the association;
Will keep books of account and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and canceled checks in accordance with the records retention policy;
make disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the association;
sign on bank accounts;
present a financial report, both written and verbal, at every meeting of the Local PTA and as requested by the executive board or the voting body;
make a full report at the annual meeting;
complete and file all necessary tax documents; and
present books to the audit committee as requested.
Keep records of all things that the Board wants to remember for the current term/ school year.
Will advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure.​
Campus Principal
Can also be a representative appointed by the campus principal.
Sits on the board as a voting member and liasion between the Board and the school.
Council Delegate
Participates fully in Council PTA discussions and deliberations,
reports announcements and important actions.
Standing Committee Chair Descriptions
Standing Committee Positions are full year commitments and are apart of the PTA Executive Board. All Standing Committee Chairs hold voting positions and are required to attend all PTA Executive Board Meetings (held monthly; time TBD according to everyone's availability) and General Meetings (3-5 per year).
Grade Level Coordinators
Coordinators are responsible for promoting activities within each grade level; shall recruit room moms; shall support their grade level teachers any way they can; shall work with the grade level lead teachers, room moms and parents for the Holiday and Valentine's Day class parties and end of year class/grade festivities; shall assist in PTA sponsored socials.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Box Tops/
Retailer Rewards
Promote, collect and submit Box Tops for the PTA to receive funds from the Box Tops for Education Program.
Additional Standing Committees
Appointed to handle specific committees or responsibilities throughout the year, as deemed necessary.
Responsible for managing communication of the PTA and school events. Communication is to include both internal & external communication, including PTA website, Facebook, and Twitter.
Dad's Club President
Supports the PTA & school by staffing set up & clean up of events, building a float for the Grapevine Parade of Lights, improvements to classrooms at teachers' requests and chair fundraising activities to raise money for improvement projects​
Diversity Advocate (Friendship Day)
Serves as the Dove liaison to Council programs/events that nurture environment where diverse cultures and beliefs of all people are acknowledged, respected and valued. Including, Friendship Day activities.
Coordinates recycling programs on campus, emulates “Keep Grapevine Beautiful” and plans Earth Week celebrations.​​
Promotes healthy food choices. Works with Council Healthy lifestyles chairperson.​
Promotes reading programs in conjunction with our librarian and scholastic book fairs. Includes any Reading Challenges or relevant activities sponsored by the PTA.
Parent Education/ Youth Protection
Promotes safety awareness keeping local members apprised of current news, trends, safety and protection events. Works with Dove counselor and district advisors and vendors on educating the unit members and students to promote safety, community and awareness.
Reflections Coordinator
Markets the Reflections program to Dove students and parents, collects entries, obtains judges, and organizes a participation party to recognize participants and winners.
Staff Hospitality
​Provides Back to School and Teacher Appreciation events for the faculty staff, which include: coordinating food item donations; securing volunteers to serve; and reserving school location for the events.
Shall recruit and coordinate Dove parent and community volunteers; collect and report volunteer hours to Council
Responsible for the collection of photos and collaboration with the school to create a Yearbook every year.
Special Committee Chair Descriptions
These positions are not required to attend all board or general meetings. They are required to attend Board Meetings as necessary for the position or event.
Timely compiles the student directory and coordinates with the membership VP for distribution to all local unit members.
5th Grade Trip
Promotes and coordinates all aspects for the fifth grade trip.
Apple Tree Coordinator
Coordinates volunteers to sign up for teacher and staff needs within the school.
Box Tops / Rewards
Coordinates the collection of box tops and other rewards programs for PTA fundraising.
Club Chair: Art Booster
Encourages the growth and expression of art through guided activities coordinated with the art teacher.
Club Chair: Cardio Club
​Promotes regular exercise through a variety of activities. Will help with after school Cardio club program.​
Club Chair: Chess Club
Works with school staff to coordinate and organize the Chess Club meetings and activities, as needed.
Club Chair: Destination Imagination
Represents and coordinates the Destination Imagination program for Dove Elementary School campus.​
Club Chair: KDOV
Works with campus librarian to coordinate and organize all KDOV activities.
Club Chair: Lego Club
Works with school staff to coordinate and organize the Lego Club meetings and activities, as needed.​
Club Chair: Music / Choir
Works with the campus music teacher to coordinate and organize all Music Booster activities, including Choir & Dynamic Drummers.
Club Chair: Safety Patrol
Works with staff to coordinate and organize all safety patrol activities, as well as any needs from the PTA. ​
Club Chair: Student Government
Works with staff to coordinate and organize all safety patrol activities, as well as any needs from the PTA. ​
Exceptional Children Chair
Coordinate with the RISE classroom to ensure that all students are involved and represented for PTA activities and events.
Fall Event Coordinator
Promote, plan and coordinate all aspects of the Back to School Picnic or another family fun event in the Fall.​​
​GT Lead
Coordinate with the GT teacher to ensure that all students are involved and represented for PTA activities and events.
Creates and maintains PTA content for either the weekly school newsletter or a separate newsletter for PTA that will be linked in the weekly school newsletter.
Red Ribbon Week
​Responsible for working with Dove counselor and district advisors and vendors on educating the unit members and students to promote safety, community and awareness and promoting Red Ribbon Week.​
Works with a committee of three (3) with two (2) alternates to read and judge submitted essays awarded to former Dove, graduating GCISD seniors. Provide clear and concise guidelines and expectations using the GCISD Scholarships and Texas PTA Scholarships as necessary.
Silent Auction
Solicits donations and items for auction at Fall Festival. Prepare bid-sheets, decorations and collection of all items. Coordinate staff contributions and grade level baskets.​
Spirit Shop
Coordinate all aspects of the Dove Spirit Shop, including marketing, inventory, planning, and coordinating opening the shop for sales (in the past: open during social events and during specified lunches).
Spring Event Coordinator
Promote, plan and coordinate all aspects of the Back to School Picnic or another family fun event in the Fall.​
Staff Grants
Coordinates the determination of and allocation of PTA funds for teacher requests, school activities, etc.
STAAR Encouragement
Coordinates snacks, drinks, and items of encouragement during STAAR testing times for both teachers and students.
Student Directory
Timely compiles the student directory and coordinates with the VP of Membership for distribution to all local members.
Talent Show
​Promotes and coordinates all aspects for the Dove Talent Show working with clear and concise guidelines and expectations providing a non-competitive, esteem-building experience for those involved.​
Welcome Committee
​Coordinates social events at the beginning of each semester for new families who are new to the school.
Wrap Packs
Solicits quality vendor school supply pack bids, markets school supply packs to Dove families organizes delivery of school supply packs to school before school starts, and helps as needed with distribution to students.